Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

The President of the Republic of Moldova launched a set of initiatives to amend the legislation

Today, the head of the state held a press conference in which he launched a set of initiatives in order to change the legislation with social and economic aspects, with the purpose of increasing the level of social protection of our citizens and to boost the economic development.

Igor Dodon noted the following:

"As a reaction to the pseudo-reforms promoted by the government in the field of pensions, which are reduced only to raise the retirement age and a permanent increase of insurance, we have presented to the Parliament a set of legislative initiatives of a social nature, including the plan of canceling the increase in retirement age, the indexation twice a year and the increase to the minimum subsistence level of the pensions, as well as the establishment of a guaranteed minimum term for receiving the pension by the descendants, in case of premature death of the beneficiary of the pension for age limit, as well as amendments of the law on wages to increase the salaries of support staff in institutions.

The set of legislative initiatives with social nature also includes amendments to the tax legislation, which stipulates the increase of the personal exemption to the calculation of the income tax of individuals, up to the minimum subsistence level. It looks inhuman that the State imposes taxes on income, designed to cover the vital expenses of citizens.

Another set of initiatives concerns the tax policy and is meant to contribute to the improvement of the investment climate, as in the last few years the economy has remained practically without investment. In this regard, it is proposed to return to zero rate for reinvested income. This measure had benefic effects in 2008 on the economy – the investment was increased and the shadow economy was significantly reduced. This draft includes some proposals aimed to increase the revenues of the public budget, including taxation of incomes received by banks as a result of foreign exchange transactions, the interest earned on government credit, etc.

Among the initiatives that have been presented, there are also a number of proposals aimed to make the government accountable for the budgetary timetable, in particular, the terms of introduction to Parliament of fiscal policy, annual budgets drafts and their implementation reports.

The irresponsible attitude of the government towards budgetary-fiscal legislation has become a real mockery of the economy and for the citizens of our country, the consequences of this practice being very serious - discouragement of investments, increase of public debt, loss of public budget, etc.

In addition to these proposals, during the autumn-winter session we will initiate parliamentary hearings regarding the procedure of using foreign aid received by the government in the period 2009-2017 years, but also about the alarming and inefficient growth of public debt. We will also initiate hearings regarding the debts accumulated by Chisinau, which in recent years has borrowed massive loans, while the returns from them are very small.

Special attention will be paid to the issue of the $1 billion bank fraud.

In addition to the set of legislative proposals mentioned above, other initiatives will be followed during the autumn - winter session, which will mainly concern the social sphere, including salaries in the budgetary sector, increasing the level of protection for low-income categories of citizens, reviewing the approaches to state social assistance, as well as other initiatives. We will insist that the government ensure the implementation of the Mortgage Program for youth with the search of external financial resources in order to provide favorable conditions for mortgage lending. "