Moldova and Turkmenistan mark the 25th anniversary of the of diplomatic relations establishment

Igor Dodon congratulated the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow on the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Moldova.

"Your Excellency, accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Moldova and Turkmenistan.

For a quarter of century our state relations were built on the principles of respect, mutually beneficial cooperation, aspiration for a constructive dialogue, which creates a strong basis for their further development.

A thorough exchange of views during my recent visit to Turkmenistan on the occasion of the opening of the 5th Asian Indoor Games and Martial Arts allowed us to identify the most promising areas for bilateral cooperation between our countries and peoples.

I express confidence that further development of political contacts will help deepen fruitful cooperation, open new opportunities for successful implementation of practical bilateral projects. The Republic of Moldova will continue making efforts to expand trade and economic ties with Turkmenistan, increase mutual investment, and strengthen cultural and humanitarian relations.

I take this opportunity to wish you, Mr. President, good health and further success in your responsible work, and peace and prosperity to the friendly Turkmen people, and I ask you to accept the assurances of my highest consideration
," the congratulation of the Moldovan President says.