Message of congratulation to US President Donald Trump

Dear Mr. President,

On the Independence Day of the United States of America, on behalf of the people of the Republic of Moldova and on my own, I personally address to you, as well as to all American citizens, the sincerest congratulations, along with the best wishes.

I am glad that special relations of friendship and collaboration have been established between the Republic of Moldova and the United States of America, based on common ideals and mutual trust.

On this special occasion, I would like to reiterate our gratitude for the substantial technical and financial assistance provided in the last decades of my country by the United States of America. We also highly value the constant support you give us in order to implement reforms, strengthen the rule of law and increase the capacity of strategic institutions.

At the same time, the multidimensional nature of bilateral cooperation inspires my confidence that, in the coming years, we will be able to increase economic exchanges and investments, strengthen the privileged partnership and make this beautiful friendship fruitful.

The United States has shown its support, with overwhelming aid, in this difficult period of pandemic, despite the situation they are facing internally, - for which we once again express our sincere appreciation.

Reaffirming the interest of the Republic of Moldova in extending cooperation with the United States of America and in strengthening the high-level political dialogue, Please accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.