President took part in the opening of a hospital in the village of Calarashovka

The opening ceremony of the reconstructed hospital took place in the village of Calarashovka, in which more than 12,000 residents of nearby villages of Ocnitsky district will receive medical care.

Until recently, this hospital was in a deplorable condition, and therefore the central authorities decided to abolish it. However, at the insistence of the local residents, with the support of the district council and the charitable foundation "Din Suflet", the hospital was repaired, and is ready to work again in the regular mode. The necessary furniture was provided by the first lady's charitable foundation.

It is payed special attention to the work of the medical system of the Republic of Moldova. Igor Dodon welcomed the fact  that together they managed to defend the hospital, which is necessary for the residents of this zone.

The President noted that in addition to national campaigns to support preschool institutions in Moldova, the construction of sports facilities in rural areas, as well as to support needy citizens, the Charity Fund will continue to provide the necessary assistance to those who need it.

The President donated a computer and a printer necessary for the work as a gift to the medical staff of the hospital.