U.S. president conveys congratulatory message to Moldovan counterpart on Independence Day

U.S. President Barack Obama has conveyed a congratulatory message to President Nicolae Timofti on Moldova’s Independence Day.

The message reads as follows:

„Dear Mr. President,.

Together with the American people, I congratulate you and the Moldovan citizens of the 23rd anniversary of independence of Moldova, marked on 27 August.

The 2013 year was a reference one for the ties between Moldova and the USA. Once with the visit of Secretary Kerry to Chisinau and Prime Minister Leanca to Washington, the relations between our nations are stronger than ever.

The United States respects the right of the Moldovan people to freely decide its future and backs the democratic and European aspirations as the best guarantor of Moldova’s security and prosperity in the future. I am happy to see that Moldova undertakes important steps, in order to reach this goal by signing the Association Agreement and getting the visa free regime with the European Union. We are aware of that there are still many to do and the United States is ready to help Moldova in implementing reforms necessary for building up a more democratic and prosperous future.

The USA is firmly committed to give a helping hand to Moldova, in order to keep its sovereignty and territorial integrity. We will continue to work together in the OSCE five-plus-two format, in order to reach a peaceful, correct and sustainable solution to settling the Transnistrian conflict.

The United States cherishes the friendship with the Moldovan people and is looking forward to continuation of cooperation between our nations. Please accept my warmest congratulations on this important occasion,” the message reads.