Moldovan president appoints nine judges

President Nicolae Timofti today signed decrees appointing nine judges, following a proposal by the Superior Council of Magistracy.

The following judges are appointed for a five-year period:

Mihaela Grosu - judge at the Straseni-based court,

Sergiu Suvac - judge at the Ciocana court, Chisinau municipality.

The following judges have been appointed for a four-year term:

Valenitn Trisnevschi - head of the Falesti-based court,

Steliana Lazari - deputy head of the Orhei-based court.

Gheorghe Scutelnic - deputy head of the Balti-based Court of Appeal.

At the same time, under presidential decrees, Maria Negru and Stelian Teleuca were appointed as judge at the Chisinau-based Court of Appeal, and Ghenadie Liulca and Aurelia Toderas - as judge at the Court of Appeal from Balti.