France to help Moldova modernise agriculture, banking system

President Nicolae Timofti today met French Secretary of State for European Affairs Harlem Desir.

Harlem Desir, a member of the France - Moldova parliamentary friendship group, informed the president about the French officials’ support for Moldova as a result of the European integration, as well as Moldova’s attachment to the francophone ideals.

"President Francois Hollande and Prime Minister Manuel Valls back the European integration steps of the Moldovan authorities. The French National Assembly is to vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the EU in the near future," said the secretary of state for European affairs of France.

The French official stressed that the implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU, a process due to be supported by structural reforms, would allow ensuring better living standards for Moldovan citizens.

Harlem Desir referred to the advantages of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, which provides access of Moldovan products to the EU market. He expressed willingness of France to provide the needed expertise for the modernisation of the agricultural sector and banking system.

President Nicolae Timofti said the Chisinau-based authorities stayed committed to reforms, stressing that eradicating corruption and reforming the justice system represented a priority for the new government.

The two officials tackled the reunification of Moldova, which can be facilitated by the advantages both ordinary citizens and business people from Transnistria would enjoy, as a result of implementing the Association Agreement with the EU.

Nicolae Timofti and Harlem Desir exchanged opinions on the situation in the region.