Moldovan president has farewell meeting with non-resident ambassador of Montenegro

President Igor Dodon has had a farewell meeting with the non-resident ambassador of Montenegro, Milan Begović.

The head of state said that, in 2017, Moldova and Montenegro celebrate the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between the two countries. On this period, the cooperation ties have recorded a positive boosting.

Igor Dodon highly appreciated the ambassador’s personal contribution while exercising his mandate, especially as regards the inauguration of the Honorary Consulate of Montenegro in Moldova (opened on 4 Aril 2017). This diplomatic mission has a decisive role in fostering and deepening the bilateral relations in different sectors of common interest.    

At the same time, the Moldovan president spoke out for boosting the political and diplomatic dialogue between Moldova and Montenegro, for turning to good account the tourism potential and bolstering high-level contacts, which will boost the present cooperation between the two countries and the increase in the trade exchanges.    

Igor Dodon voiced confidence that, once the new ambassador appointed, the positive dynamic of the cooperation relations would continue.