Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President Maia Sandu had a meeting with IMF representatives in Moldova

The head of state met today with the Permanent Representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Moldova, Rodgers Chawani, who is ending his mandate, and with the new IMF representative in our country, Svetlana Cerovic.

During the meeting, it was discussed the macroeconomic perspectives and how the Program of economic and financial policies between the Republic of Moldova and the IMF is developed.  They also talked about identifying new financial opportunities to contribute to economic growth, improving the resilience of our country and accelerating reforms.

President Maia Sandu emphasized that the Republic of Moldova is interested in establishing long-term partnerships with international financial institutions willing to provide the necessary assistance to develop our economy and ensure the well-being of citizens, especially in periods of regional uncertainty. Likewise, we want good cooperation in our effort to mitigate the effects of climate change.